U.S. - 1918A1 BAR - Base Shop Data - WW2 Military Issue - MANUAL

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U.S. - 1918A1 BAR - Base Shop Data - WW2 Military Issue \nU.S. Base Shot Data for Rifle, Auto, Cal. .30, Browning M 1918A2 - The U.S. military manual for the BAR. Complete disassembly/assembly is shown for the BAR in the well illustrated manual, issued by Rock Island Aresenal in Feb. 1943. It is now 8.5 x 11", with 52 pages and a plastic comb binding so that it will lay flat on your workbench while in use. Each page has been carefully restored in Photoshop to remove the stray spots and marks, and the pages have been enhanced so that it prints as black for easier reading, instead of having the medium gray that is normally associated with the 5th generation photocopies so often found. \nPlease reference "BAR Base Shop Data" on your order.